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Lieberman's API Documentation


Click the links below to view documentation for the methods available in the Lieberman's API. Throughout the documentation, the term client will be used to refer to the Lieberman's customer that is calling the web service.

Documented Web Methods


Retrieves a string array of countries that Lieberman's will ship to. When submitting orders, the ShippingCountryName must match one of the items listed in the return array from this method.


The GetOrderItemPricing web method will return pricing and product information for an OrderItem. This web method accepts one input parameter, item, which represents an OrderItem. Please see the OrderItem examples in the SubmitOrder documentation for more information on how to identify products.


The GetOrderStatus web method will return status information an Order and its OrderItems. This web method accepts one input parameter, orderID.

Each OrderItem on the Order has a Status property. The Status will be one of the following values:

Status Description
OnOrder Item is on order from publisher/supplier.
InStock Item is in stock at our facility.
Manufacturing Item is in the process of being manufactured.
Packaging Item is in the process of being packaged.
DamagedReordered Item has been damaged and is being reordered.
Processing Item is processing.
FeedbackRequired Some issue exists with the item requires customer feedback before processing can continue.
Closed Item has been shipped.
CancelledOOS Item is out of stock and has been cancelled. Includes items that have been discontinued by the publisher/supplier.
CancelledReturned Item has been cancelled due to being returned by the customer.
Cancelled Item has been cancelled, usually prior to shipping.
New Not currently used.


The SubmitOrder web method accepts two input parameters, order and options. The order parameter contains the details of the order and the items to be ordered, while the options parameter provides instructions on how to process the order.

The Order object contains several properties. However, when submitting an order using the SubmitOrder method, most of these fields do not need to be supplied. The fields that are required are as follows:

Field Description
CustomerPONumber A number that uniquely idenitifes the order, usually the order number in the client's database.
ShippingName The name the order will ship to.
ShippingAddress The street address the order will ship to.
ShippingCity The city the order will ship to.
ShippingStateProvince The state or province the order will ship to.
ShippingZipCode The ZIP code the order will ship to.
ShippingCountry The country the order will ship to (must be a valid country name, see GetCountries).
ShippingPhone The phone number for the address where the order will ship to.
ShippingServiceType The Shipping Service, either Standard, TwoDay, or StandardOvernight.
OrderItems Defines the items to be ordered. At least one OrderItem record must be supplied.

The are several ways to define an OrderItem. For each OrderItem, you can supply a CustomerReferenceNumber (optional - this usually maps to an item ID in the client's database), and you must supply a Quantity.

For print orders, you can specify the PID:


Or, you can specify the PublisherCode and PublisherItemNumber:


Each Xml fragment listed above describes the same unframed piece of artwork. When adding services like framing or canvas transfers to an order, you can indicate the artwork to be framed or transferred to canvas in the same manner. If we were to frame this item, the OrderItem Xml would look like:


Note: Use 0 to indicate no mat. If this piece was not matted, 0's should be used for TopMatID, MiddleMatID and BottomMatID.

Alternatively, you can also specify the SKU. Since the SKU contains the framing options, there is no need to specify them separately:


Please view the following links to see sample Orders for a variety of products:
Print Order
Frame Order
Canvas Transfer Order
Framed Canvas Transfer Order
Plaque Order
Laminate Order

Validation Errors
If there is an error processing your order, ValidationErrors will be returned. The data contained in the ValidationErrors element will help you to identify the data needs to be corrected in order for you to be able to submit your order. There are two types of ValidationErrors, fatal and non fatal. If no fatal errors occur, then your order will be processed into Lieberman's order fulfillment system (see SubmitOrderOptions below).

When submitting an order, it is also necessary to pass in the SubmitOrderOptions. These options are all boolean values and are defined as follows:

Field Description
ValidateOnly If true, the order will not be submitted but will be validated for correctness. If successful, an Order object will be returned that contains pricing information, descriptions, etc.
FailIfItemOutOfStock If true, the order will not be submitted if any item is listed as out of stock (OOS). If false, then orders will be submitted regardless of OOS status, and we will attempt to process them. Please note that if an item is listed as OOS and you have this flag set to false, then you will receive a non-fatal ValidationError AND your order will be submitted. If you set this flag to false, it is recommended that the client pay attention to the OOS validation errors and record them in their database.
FailOnAnyValidationError If true, then orders will not be submitted if any validation error occurs, regardless of whether it is fatal or not. Validation errors are not always fatal, for example a non-fatal validation error will occur if you fill out the OrderDate field when submitting an order. If you are setting FailIfItemOutOfStock to false, then this value must also be false for orders to be submitted.
SendOrderConfirmationEmail If true, and order confirmation email will be sent to the client's email address on file. If false, no email will be sent.



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